[Hiyoshi/Osaka/Online] KMD Information Session on June 29 (Sat)
The Graduate School of Media Design (KMD) is pleased to announce that we will be holding an information session for prospective students at both the Hiyoshi Campus and Keio Osaka City Campus. The session will be simultaneously streamed online for remote participation.
This session will provide a valuable opportunity for participants to gain insights into KMD, including an overview presentation, facility tour, and interactive Q&A session. Moreover, attendees will have the privilege of hearing firsthand experiences from current students. If you are considering KMD as a potential institution for your academic journey, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.
*Please be aware that the information session will be conducted in Japanese, and all timings mentioned below are in Japan Standard Time (JST).
-Time & Date: 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 29, 2024
-Venue: Classroom C3S02 at Collaboration Complex (3rd floor) on Hiyoshi Campus
-Capacity: About 50 seats
-Pre-registration: To join the session, please complete the pre-registration through this online form. The online form for pre-registration will be closed once all seats are reserved (first-come-first-served). The pre-registration has been closed. Thank you.
-Language: Japanese
-Speakers: Dean & Prof. Masa Inakage, Prof. Kazunori Sugiura, Prof. Chihiro Sato, Prof. Donna Chen
-Time & Date: 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 29, 2024
-Venue: Keio Osaka City Campus
-Capacity: About 30 seats
-Pre-registration: To join the session, please complete the pre-registration through this online form. The online form for pre-registration will be closed once all seats are reserved.
-Language: Japanese
-Speaker: Prof. Hideki Sunahara (Tokyo and Osaka will be simultaneously live-streamed online.)
[Session via YouTube Live (online)]
-Time & Date: 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 29, 2024
-Venue (YouTube Live): http://www.youtube.com/keiomediadesign
-Capacity: No limit
-Pre-registration: Not necessary
-Language: Japanese
-Note: Click the URL above to join at the start time.