Won the awards [XR Best Demo in Show] and [Best Demo Award] at SIGGRAPH Asia 2023
At SIGGRAPH Asia 2023, two research projects presented by the KMD Embodied Media Project received two awards: “Transcale: Embodiment Transition Toward Multi-Verse Exploration” by Haruka Onoda won the “Best Demo in Show” in the XR category, and “Synced Drift” by Researcher Ryoichi Ando received the “Best Demo Award” in the Emergency Technologies category.
Transcale: Embodiment Transition Toward Multi-Verse Exploration
: Haruka Onoda, Sohei Wakisaka, Tatsuya Saito, Kota Minamisawa
This demonstration provides an experience that allows users to explore in VR while changing the scale of their own body.
Synced Drift
: Ryoichi Ando, Giulia Barbareschi, Midori Kawaguchi
This is a sport involves multiple individuals using weight shifts to control an omnidirectional mover, the “SlideRift Seahare.” Moreover, It is an ongoing study that embraces physical diversity through the application of CA technology.