Press Coverages of Special Public Lecture by Mr.Tim Brown

Updated on 2014.12.08

Special Public Lecture by Mr.Tim Brown (November 18 (Tue)) received press coverage of NIkkei Business on Monday, December 8, 2014. Title: 「大企業にイノベーション...

Press Coverages of Special Public Lecture by Mr.Tim Brown

Updated on 2014.12.08

Special Public Lecture by Mr.Tim Brown (November 18 (Tue)) received press coverage of Biz/Zine. Title: IDEO ティム・ブラウンCEOが語る「デザインの未来」 (Tuesday, Decembe...

Press Coverages of Agorasia Youth 2014

Updated on 2014.11.28

Agorasia Youth 2014 received press coverage of Asahi Shinbun on November 12 2014.

IE KMD Venture Day Tokyo 2014 at Mita Campus on December 12

Updated on 2014.11.17

"IE KMD Venture Day Tokyo 2014" will be held at Mita Campus on Friday, December 12.The KMD, IE Business School and J-Seed learn about the latest ventu...

KMD Special Public Lecture by Mr.Tim Brown (CEO and Presiden...

Updated on 2014.10.28

Graduate School of Media Design (KMD, will hold special public lecture by Mr.Tim Brown on Tuesday November 18, 2014. Title...

GID SALON 2014 (Dec. 6 (Sat))

Updated on 2014.10.23

The GID SALON 2014 on 6th December invites creative leaders, who are already active in the industries, and students, who are interested in becoming Gl...

Annoucement of Results of 2nd Screening (From 1 pm on Tuesda...

Updated on 2014.10.11

Annoucement of Results of 2nd Screening is available from 1 pm on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. >>here

The 5th KMD forum - on November 22 (Sat), 2014

Updated on 2014.10.10

Keio University Graduate School of Media Design (KMD, will hold the "The 5th KMD forum" on Satarday November 22, 2014.  Th...

Kickoff Meeting of "Superhuman Sports" Committee will be hel...

Updated on 2014.10.03

Kickoff Meeting of "Superhuman Sports" Committee will be held October 10 (Fri) . For details, please refer to the press release here.

Joint Project with KMD, Tamaraba and Anytimes Inc "Anytimes ...

Updated on 2014.10.01

Joint project with Keio University Graduate School of Media Design (GC+MT Project), Tamaraba and Anytimes Inc "Anytimes Town" has been launched on Oct...


Updated on 2014.09.26

The outcome of Global Innovation Design (GID) program, 'Tokyo Olympics & Paralympics' done by KMD and RCA/Imperial college students will be presen...


Updated on 2014.09.05

A promotional video on Global Innovation Design Program, a transnational education program that KMD conducts will be featured on 'TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK...