Opportunity for Faculty Position at Keio Media Design – Deadline: November 20, 2023


      • Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, known as Keio Media Design or KMD, invites applications from qualified individuals to fill a non-tenure track faculty position. Appointment is open for assistant, associate, and full professorships and will begin April 1, 2024.


        The mission of KMD is to train media innovators capable of creating social value through innovation. Media innovators who can transcend disciplinary and national borders and succeed upon the global stage will become the next generation of leaders in the creative society. 

        Faculty at KMD take a pragmatic, hands-on, and global approach to education and research to offer a variety of practically grounded projects in collaboration with international partner institutions and research facilities. The official languages used at KMD are English and Japanese, and we welcome faculty members, researchers and students who are proficient in both or English language (bilingual preferred).

        KMD invites collaboration- and innovation-minded applicants with qualifications, experience, and demonstrated excellence in innovative works to create new research domains. KMD is seeking candidates for a non-tenure track position with demonstrable depth of experience in areas of expertise including but not limited to:

        • International business management
        • Entrepreneurship and startup strategy
        • Business leadership and project management
        • Business consultation
        • Mentoring and scaffolding

        Additionally, the role requires below key capabilities:

        • Effective and empathetic communication
        • Critical thinking with clarity
        • Assimilate understanding efficiently
        • Detail-oriented with cognitive flexibility
        • Consistency and transparency
        • Prioritization and organizational skill
        • Emotional intelligence
        • Language proficiency

        Qualified candidates should hold a Masters in Management, MBA degree or equivalent and preferably doctorate degree, and show a proven commitment to quality teaching and project management at the graduate level or a professional equivalence in related fields by the time of the appointment. The salary is commensurate with experience, in accordance with Keio University regulations. The appointment is made per academic year until March 31, 2026, with possible extension pending on the funding.

        Successful candidates will undertake teaching duties, co-lead the CEMS Program, engage in projects (called Real Projects), and share administrative tasks including participation in committees and meetings. CEMS Program courses are project-based Business Project and Block Seminar. Faculty maybe asked to teach theoretical and hands-on practical courses at the graduate level and to sub-supervise master’s theses and doctoral dissertations, in addition to securing external partnerships and funding, and leading teams of graduate students in collaborative projects.

        Education and project activities are mainly conducted in Yokohama, Japan, with additional teaching and project activities off-campus both domestically and at international partner locations. Currently, KMD classes are in hybrid format, in-person and online.

        Interested individuals should include the following in their Application Package:

        • Application Letter

        (Please tell us why you are interested in this position, and how you see yourself fitting in at KMD and particularly the CEMS Program)

        • Curriculum Vitae
        • Statement of teaching and research philosophy
        • 3-5 examples of published works (papers, design works, commercial products/services)
        • Names of 3 references

        (Please include the names of three referees with contact information [e-mail, postal address, and telephone]. The referees may be consulted by the Search Committee.)


        To apply:

        Applications received by November 20, 2023 will be given full consideration. All application materials should be submitted to the following box in PDF format files.


        Make sure to name each file with your name and surname. Please also inform us of your application to the following adderss via e-mail:

      • kmd_search@info.keio.ac.jp 

        For the second screening, short-listed candidates will be invited to attend an interview session, which will be conducted remotely on zoom.

        Personal information provided in applications is managed in accordance with the regulations of Keio University and will only be used for the procedures of the current recruitment.



        For more information about KMD, see http://www.kmd.keio.ac.jp/.

        Questions should be directed to the Search Committee via email:

      • kmd_search@info.keio.ac.jp


        Keio University Graduate School of Media Design  4-1-1 Hiyoshi Kohoku-ku Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

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