Tetsuya Mizuguchi

Tetsuya Mizuguchi
Project Professor
Areas of expertise:
CEO of *Enhance* and Principal of *Synesthesia Lab*. With synesthesia at the core, Mizuguchi has been actively involved in creating highly unique, enhanced sensory-stimulating experiences in the form of video games and other media. His notable works include the critically acclaimed *Rez* (2001), *Lumines* (2004), *Child of Eden* (2010), *Rez Infinite*, the VR adaptation version of Rez (2016), the full-body sound-light-haptic *Synesthesia Suit* (2016), and a one of a kind device called the *Synesthesia X1 – 2.44* (2019).
Of the many accolades received throughout his career include the Special Award at the Japan Media Arts Festival and Honorary Mention in the Ars Electronica Interactive Arts category, both for *Rez* (2002). Mizuguchi was selected by the Producers Guild of America (PGA) and The Hollywood Reporter for their annual “Digital 50” in 2006. *Rez Infinite *took home the Best VR Game award at the 2016 The Game Awards, the inaugural year for the category. He serves as the chief judge for the Entertainment Division of the Japan Media Arts Festival and has been a jury on many other nomination committees. In recent years, he has joined forces with the XR Consortium and Media Ambition Tokyo (MAT) as a director. He is also the co-founder and CCO of EDGEof, a GameChangers’ Studio based in Tokyo.
*Synesthesia X1 – 2.44, *a synesthetic experience device like no other, created by the Synesthesia Lab (2019). Letting go of your body on this device equipped with 44 vibrating actuators makes you feel as if you’re wrapped in a world of sounds, lights, and vibrations. Immerse yourself in a new multi-sensory musical experience where your body becomes the medium and your consciousness is honed, as you naturally become a part of the flow.