Media coverage on successful development of 'Avator' robot b...
Updated on 2012.02.15
Professor Susumu Tachi and his team successfully developed ''Avator' robot and is covered by Agence France Presse(AFP).
"Japan scientist mak...
Round-Table Conference on Reconstruction Using IT(Feb.21)
Updated on 2012.02.08
慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科(以下、KMD)のポリシープロジェクト(担当:中村伊知哉教授)は、東日本大震災からのIT分野を中心とした復興策を議論する「IT復興円卓会議 震災1年 次への提言」を2月21日に開催いたします。
Press Coverage of Professor Masahiko Inami in a magazine, "H...
Updated on 2012.01.23
Professor Masahiko Inami is covered by the Cabinet Office Government of Japan in the "Highlighting JAPAN" (January 2012 ...
Opportunities for Faculty Position
Updated on 2011.12.27
KMD Ph.D Students hosting workshop "Scent and Scensibility f...
Updated on 2011.12.19
KMD's Ph.D students Meikei Lai (D2) and Yan Yan Cao (D1) have been accepted to host workshop Scent and Scensibility for 2012 International Conference ...
7 projects from KMD participate SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011
Updated on 2011.12.14
7 projects from Graduate School of Media Design(KMD) will participate the international conference SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011-Emerging Technologies held from ...
KMD's GID Program is selected as one of Reinventing Japan Pr...
Updated on 2011.12.12
Notification on NAIST-KMD Simposium (Dec.19)
Updated on 2011.12.09
Information on Launch of Social Reading Service "Weepee"
Updated on 2011.12.06
当研究科のCreative Industryプロジェクト(教授:岸博幸君)が読書体験共有ツール「Weepee」のα版(プロト版)を公開しました。当プロジェクトではマガジンハウスデジタルと産学連携を行なっています。
■ サービス概要Weepee は、雑誌を読むという行為に、友人や知人と一緒に雑誌を読み...
KMD alumnus Tomomi Ota is participating "Internet Week 2011"
Updated on 2011.11.25
KMD alumnus Tomomi Ota is participating in a panel discussion at Internet Week 2011.
For detail, please see here.(Japanese only)
Opportunities for Faculty Positions
Updated on 2011.11.25
For PDF version of the following information, please see here.
Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, known as Keio MediaDesign or KMD, invi...
CEMS MIM Program (Double Degree Program)
Updated on 2011.10.14
*About CEMS MIM Program
CEMS, the Global Alliance in Management Education, is a strategic alliance of the world's top-level business schools and unive...