Opportunities for Faculty Position at Keio Media Design


KMD faculty application is not available now. Below is the previous Faculty Search for the reference.

Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, known as Keio Media Design or KMD, invites applications from qualified individuals to fill one tenure track and one non-tenure track faculty position at the rank of Senior Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. The preferred starting date is April 1, 2016, or as soon as possible thereafter.

KMD is a graduate program to educate creative global leaders who understand the core creative skills of design, technology, management, and policy in the field of media design. Education will take a practical, hands-on, and global approach to offering various projects grounded in practice by collaborating with international partner institutions and research facilities. KMD is planning to expand the current multi-location operation to incorporate transnational education. Courses are taught in both English and Japanese, thus we welcome faculties, researchers, and students with English proficiency.

KMD invites collaboration-minded applicants with relevant qualifications and experience and who can demonstrate excellence in innovative works combining two or more of the following areas:
・Cognitive Design
・Design Thinking
・Experience Design
・Fashion and Wearable Design
・Food and Gastronomy
・Health and Wellness Design
・Hospitality Design
・Information Aesthetics
・Interaction Design
・Responsive Architecture and Ambient Design
・Sensory Design
・Service Design
・Singularity and Deep Learning
・Smart Cities and Enchanted Homes
・Sports Design
・Transmedia Cinematography
・Technology-based Agriculture

Qualified candidates should have a master’s and preferably a doctoral degree with a proven commitment to quality teaching at the graduate level or have professional equivalence in a related field as well as a strong record of research and extensive practice. The salary is commensurate with experience, according to Keio University guidelines.

A successful candidate will be expected to teach theoretical and practical hands-on courses at the graduate level, to build and lead a team of graduate students in collaborative projects, and to secure corporate partnerships to conduct research that has social and economic impact. The non-tenure track position will be responsible for managing various global partnership programs. Education will be conducted mainly in Yokohama, Japan, with some additional teaching and project activities in other parts of Japan as well as at international partner locations.

Interested individuals should include the following in their Application Package:
•Letter of application (please tell us why you are interested in this position, and how you see yourself fitting into the program)
•Curriculum Vitae
•Statement of teaching and/or research philosophy
•3-5 examples of published works (papers, design works, commercial products/services)
•3 letters of reference

Firstly, please register your information from here.
Applications should be received by January 12, 2016 to receive full consideration.
All application materials should be sent as PDF files via email to kmd-search@adst.keio.ac.jp.

For more information about KMD, see http://www.kmd.keio.ac.jp/
Questions should be directed to the Search Committee via email to kmd-search@adst.keio.ac.jp.

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