Sunday Showcase: Keio-NUS CUTE Center in ArtScience Museum

Sunday Showcase: Keio-NUS CUTE Center in ArtScience Museum
Date: Singapore 6 October,2013 1pm-7pm
Place: ArtScience Museum, Singapore
Keio-NUS CUTE Center opens an interactive digital media exhibition which
involves forward-looking technologies including toys, games, augmented
reality, smart phones and physical movements in the ArtScience Museum on
the 6th of October.
This is a part of the museum's Sunday Showcase. A monthly programme
presented every first Sunday of the month to showcase cutting-edge
projects undertaken by different tertiary institutions across Singapore.
From 1pm to 7pm, the exhibition features CUTE Centre's research projects
for all to experience technology, such as an electronic drink which
excites the taste buds, pictures which emit different scents of
fragrance, a toy that can jump like a Frog and shine like a Firefly and
many others.
A CUTE Workshop is also held on site where CUTE Center researchers will
share their expertise and knowledge by guiding the public to make their
own toy out of analog material and digital circuit.
This event is free for all! See, smell, feel, taste and touch your
future lifestyle!
Cute Center is supported by the National Research Foundation under the
Interactive Digital Media Programme hosted by the Media Development
Authority of Singapore.
Established in 2009, Keio-NUS Connective Ubiquitous Technology for
Embodiments (CUTE) Centre is operated by the National University of
Singapore (NUS) and Keio University in Japan. CUTE Projects aim to
engage families with new forms of creative family connectivity; thus
shaping future lifestyle for better communication and sharing.

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