Four New Graduate School of Media Design (KMD) Faculty Members Appointed

The Keio University Graduate School of Media Design (KMD) (Dean: Professor Masa Inakage) is pleased to announce the appointment of three new faculty members in April 2025 and one in April 2026.

Associate Professor Ryuma Shineha (To be appointed as of April 2025)
Associate Professor Shineha specializes in social theory and policy of science and technology. He is an expert on RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation), and is currently working to address issues involving the entire innovation ecosystem, including science and technology policy, across a range of advanced science and technology fields. These include regenerative medicine, neuroscience, food technology, disaster management technology, and autonomous driving, among others.
Real Project scheduled to be launched in AY2025: Respi:re
This project aims to provide insight on the various impacts, including ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI), as we advance into cutting-edge scientific and technological fields. We will ‘design’ governance in science and technology through co-creation of guidelines, norms, and policies with R&D centers so that innovation becomes as natural as breathing.
Associate Professor Shutaro Takeda (To be appointed as of April 2025)
Associate Professor Takeda’s academic background is in fusion energy, the ultimate green energy that powers the Sun. He co-founded Japan’s first fusion energy startup, Kyoto Fusioneering, a global leader in accelerating the commercialization of this dream energy. As a former United Nations officer, entrepreneur, and scientist, he is a proponent of “sustainametrics,” a new academic domain in applying data science to sustainability, fostering entrepreneurs who contribute to global environmental sustainability, and international diplomacy on climate change.
Real Project scheduled to be launched in AY2025: Invisible Future
This project visualizes the future and envisions a sustainable planet. Invisible Future is a sustainability laboratory that renders the invisible future visible. We will implement activities that lead to a sustainable planet via FUSION, having a future vision through interdisciplinary integration; VISION, conducting sustainability analysis through data science; and ACTION, creating new value through entrepreneurship.
Associate Professor Shota Nagayama (To be appointed as of April 2025)
Associate Professor Nagayama’s area of expertise is in quantum computing and the quantum internet. His research activities are focused on industrial applications and the role of such technologies as social infrastructure when these technologies are implemented in the future. He serves as the director of the Quantum Internet Task Force and was the project manager of the Moonshot Goal 6 R&D Project “Scalable and Robust Integrated Quantum Communication System.” He plays a central role in rulemaking in Japan and abroad.
Real Project scheduled to be launched in AY2025: Q/est
This project aims to realize an IT paradigm in the near future through the quantum internet. We will design a vision of society revolutionized by quantum computing and the quantum internet. We will work on the R&D of technologies that will lead to the fusion of quantum technologies in the current age with social systems in the near future, where quantum technologies will be an integral part of society and life after the AI revolution.
Professor Sandra Yu Okita (To be appointed as of April 2026)
Professor Okita earned her Ph.D. (Learning Sciences) at Stanford University and is currently an associate professor at Columbia University, Teachers College. She is an expert in designing information technology (such as XR environments)/robots assisted learning tools for children and adults, as well as co-creation and relationship-building between people and technology. Her other research interests include visualization of thought processes using advanced technology, and advanced educational design that promotes R&D to foster children’s intellectual curiosity, spirit of inquiry, and ability to ask questions through self-projection.
The Real Project scheduled to be launched in AY2026 will be announced when details are finalized.
With the welcome addition of these four new faculty members, the Graduate School of Media Design at Keio University will expand the diversity of disciplines and the possibilities for collaboration to unprecedented levels, and will foster creative leaders and media innovators who will play an active role globally to lead the next generation and promote world-class education and research to create the society of the future.