Headspin Experience wins Grand Prix and VRST Prize at IVRC 2021 LEAP STAGE
At the IVRC2021 LEAP STAGE held on 10/30-31/2021, the VR work “Head Spin Experience” created by students from Embodied Media and Future Crafts Real Projects.* won the Grand Prix and the VRST Prize.
This work allows users to experience Head Spin within a VR space.
IVRC News Page
Headspin Experience HP
※Project members
小川 泰正 (Hiromasa Ogawa) M1
千嶋 広恵 (Hiroe Chishima) M1
王 七音 (Nao Ou) M1
西浦 弘美 (Hiromi Nishiura) M1
藤森 敬基 (Hiroki Fujimori) M1
応 博文 (Hirofumi Ou) M1