KMD Student Team Wins CHI 2019 Student Design Competition
We are happy to announce that once again a team of KMD students, Elaine Czech, Mina Shibasaki, and Keitaro Tsuchiya, have won the 1st prize at CHI 2019 Student Design Competition with their Haptic Remembrance Book concept.
CHI 2019 the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction. This year the competition received 93 submissions from around the world, and had a 13% acceptance rate.
Abstract: While having strong social networks is essential for good quality of life, socializing gets more difficult as we age even if we are surrounded by people in a nursing home setting. Care staff and family members want to be able to connect with residents/loved ones but have limitations (time constraints, unsure how), and it can be challenging to feel a connection to another resident who has differing abilities. We propose that through sharing strong positive memories, members of a nursing home community (residents, care staff, and families) will be able to build empathy for one another and thus strengthen their community bonds. By applying multi-modal technologies to a familiar medium, the book, we provided a means by which intergenerational users, from various backgrounds, could interact with and gain meaning from the content.
Elaine Czech, Mina Shibasaki, and Keitaro Tsuchiya. 2019. The Haptic Remembrance Book. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper SDC08, 6 pages.
Or please enjoy a video summary of the project:
The work is a collaboration between two KMD Real Projects Embodied Media and Geist.
Team members:
-Elaine Czech (Second Year Master’s Student, KMD)
-Mina Shibasaki (Doctoral Student, KMD)
-Keitaro Tsuchiya (Second Year Master’s Student, KMD)