Synesthesia Suit Won Good Craft Award in CODE Awards
We are happy to report that Synesthesia Suit, a joint project of KMD Embodied Media Project (, Enhance Games, inc.(Tetsuya Mizuguchi, CEO and Project Professor at KMD)and Rhizomatiks co., ltd.(Seiichi Saito, CEO)won the “Good Craft Award” in the CODE Awards 2017. The Code Awards are targeted towards advertising specifically in digital fields. This awards invite all applicants from Japan and abroad to submit their successful “Experience” of digital marketing ads.
–CODE Awards 2017 “Good Craft Award” -Synesthesia Suit
-Team Memers of Embodied Media Project for Synesthesia Suit
Kouta Minamizawa (Associate Professor at KMD)
Yukari Konishi (Graduate of KMD)
Nobuhisa Hanamitsu (Third Year Doctoral Student at KMD)
Yoichi Kamiyama (Researcher at KMD)