Information Session at Hiyoshi / Osaka Campus on Sat. Nov. 5

Updated on 2016.10.06

Keio Media Design will hold an information session including mini lecture by Prof. Ichiya Nakamura at Hiyoshi Campus and Keio Osaka City Campus as fol...

Announcement of Results of 1st Screening (From 1 pm on Monda...

Updated on 2016.10.03

Annoucement of Results of 1st Screening is available from 1 pm on Monday, October 3, 2016. >>here

Synesthesia Suit Won Good Design Award 2016

Updated on 2016.09.29

We are happy to report that "Synesthesia Suit" created by Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Project Professor at KMD), KMD Embodied Media Project and Rhizomatiks won...

Special Lecture in Osaka with KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL on Friday Oc...

Updated on 2016.09.28

Special Lecture in Osaka with KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL will be held on Friday October 7 2016. Title: 「超」学校シリーズ 慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科(KMD)×KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL ~ワ...

The web entry system for Application II is now open again

Updated on 2016.09.12

The web entry system for Application II is now open again. For details, please check here.

Web Entry System for Application Period II will be temporary...

Updated on 2016.09.08

Please note that the web entry system for Application II will be temporally stopped between 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. on Friday, September 9 (JST) for eme...

Embodied Media Project Will Exhibit Their Research in the To...

Updated on 2016.09.08

KMD Embodied Media Project supervised by Associate Professor Kouta Minamizawa will exhibit their research below in the exhibition booth of Tokyo Game ...

Press Coverages of EBA Consortium

Updated on 2016.08.30

The field work of EBA Consortium at the Institute for Advanced Biosciences received press coverage of Yamagata Shimbun and Shonai Nippo on August 23 2...

Harumi Kawakami (Second Year Master’s Student at KMD) Won th...

Updated on 2016.08.25

Harumi Kawakami (second year master's student) won the Young Scholar Awards at ICOME 2016 (International Conference for Media in Education2016) for he...

Information Session at Hiyoshi/Osaka Campus on September 24 ...

Updated on 2016.08.23

Keio Media Design holds an information session at Keio Osaka City Campus and Hiyoshi Campus as follows: Date: Saturday, September 24 2016 Time: 3:00pm...

KMD Student Won the Gold Prize at ACM SRC in SIGGRAPH 2016

Updated on 2016.08.05

MHD Yamen Saraiji (second year doctoral student) won the Gold Prize in the category of graduate students at ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) hos...

KMD Serendipity Series #5: "Inspired by Life"

Updated on 2016.08.05

Graduate School of Media Design will hold a panel session with Ms. Jane Fulton Suri (Partner Emeritus, IDEO) and Mr. Shun Ishikawa (Design Director, I...