KMD Information Sessions

We are pleased to provide details regarding the information sessions for the Keio University Graduate School of Media Design.

During these sessions, attendees can expect an overview of KMD, project insights from faculty members, presentations by current students sharing their experiences, and an interactive Q&A session. Please note that specific details of each session may vary.

Sessions will be held at various locations including the Hiyoshi Campus and Keio Osaka City Campus, as well as through online platforms such as YouTube Live.

  • Overview of KMD: Please refer to this link (updated April 26, 2023).
  • Past online information sessions: Please refer to this link.

<For the Academic Year 2024>

KMD Online Information Session on March 27 (AM)

[Hiyoshi/Online] KMD Information Session on March 27 (Sat) (PM)